Our secured web site is designed to communicate critical business information to our vendors in a timely manner. All vendors must complete the online registration form and agree to Cato's Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Please check this site for updates and revisions, which will be highlighted and dated for your convenience. We will also send updates and other important information to registered users via email. To make sure you receive our emails, please add vendorwebsite@catocorp.com to your address book.
If there is a legitimate business need for a third party other than the vendor to have access, contact the web site admin at catovendoradmin@catocorp.com. It is Cato’s sole discretion to grant access to this web site. If it is determined unauthorized users have been given access under a vendor’s login information, the vendor and all user accounts will be deleted from the web site.
We look forward to working with you in this new expanded partnership.
Our vendor information guides are provided in Adobe PDF format. If needed, you can download the free Reader from Adobe's web site.